Tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)
"3 centimeters buried." Nikita hides a tuna head under rocks at Tiger Point dive site.
Hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) are commonly seen around the island.
Donatello dodges a tiger shark off the coast of Australia. Video: Jack Garnett.
When finning, still-living but mutilated sharks are simply thrown overboard to die. Video: Oceana
Severed shark fins are dried in the sun. In Asian countries, they are eaten only because of tradition. The cartilage that the fin is made of has no nutritional value. Moreover, shark meat often accumulates extreme levels of mercury (see Bioaccumulation), which causes poisoning. Photo: Paul Hilton.
The whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus) is a small species of shark found on Fuamula. Other sharks regularly seen on the island include the silvertip reef shark, grey reef shark, two species of thresher shark, and two species of hammerhead shark.
But the smell of fish really attracts sharks.
Shark. By the way, in the video you can see a hook in its mouth - sometimes they try to steal tuna from fishermen, and in such cases the line is simply cut.
Petr "drives away" a shark from me. I am in the foreground. Surprisingly, the "tigers" understand the instructors' gestures perfectly. Video: Irina Britanova.
Three sharks on a picnic. The maximum number of sharks you can see at Tiger Point at one time is 20-23! Only 7-8 came to me at one time.
A little more micromanagement of tigers. Video: Irina Britanova.